how you can help?
The Betty Cunningham Trust has already done a great deal to assist the impoverished children of Kaponda. However, with your help we can do so much more.
In the Kaponda district there are still more than 1,290 children over the age of seven who have nothing whatsoever — no education, no food, etc. We hope to raise sufficient funds to enable the construction of five new buildings in Kaponda. These will house ten classrooms in which we will educate, and feed, all of the remaining children.
Here’s an idea of how any money you could spare might be spent:
- Cost of a school for the children of Dambo village – £150,000
- Cost of a feeding station – £10,000
- Cost of 250 mosquito nets – £1250
- Cost of a rabbit – £5 each
- Cost of a chicken – £5 each + £7 each per year to feed
- Cost of a goat – £35 each
- Cost of feeding a child in Kaponda – 13p per day*
*That’s right, 13p! What could you buy for that tiny amount of money in the UK? Not very much is the answer. However, for 13p per day, just £4 per month, you could sponsor a child in Kaponda. Or why not spend £35 and gift a goat to the people of Kaponda? Not convinced? Well, you surely must admit that at only £5 a chicken would make for a most unusual, great value and greatly received present!